How We Remake The World: A Concise History of Everything


Trey Moody and Joshua Ware collaborate on a unique "History of Everything." Slope Edition's first annual Chapbook Prize Winner!

In their own words:

"How We Remake the World is an invented history of discovery.  It's a discovered history of innovation.  It's a history of the tiny stories we tell ourselves before drunk dialing 1-800-INVENTION."--Trey Moody

"How We Remake the World: A Concise History of Everything retells the mythology of history through an alternative narrative no less authentic than those fabricated in and for the textbooks found in classrooms across the Western World; but far from claiming an authoritarian stance, this new history offers readers a chronology that is both unique and exacting in order to broaden out view of what it means to conceive of our pasts as protean and multitudinous."--Joshua Ware

Limited edition, hand-bound with a letter-press cover.

Learn more about Trey Moody here.

Learn more about Joshua Ware here.